James Gosling: idealism, the Internet and Java, Pt I

Java Basics

Consolidated list of Posts on Java Basics

1. Controlling an executable from Java program

Windows tools like Notepad, internet explorer and other executable files can be started from java program through its core API.

 Controlling an executable from Java program

2.  Send SMSs with Java

Through this article I want to share some knowledge that I have on sending bulk SMSs through java and .NET applications.

Send SMSs with Java

3. WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation

WMI is a windows Library used to get the information like no of processes running currently in the computer and their event notifications like process creation modification and deletion notifications, cumputer's name, version, Win32 processes list etc

WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation

4. Apache Commons Exec API for executing exe files from java program

In my previous post http://java-gui.blogspot.in/2016/12/api-for-executing-exe-files-from-java.html    you have seen using traditional java API to execute exe files from java program.

Apache Commons Exec API for executing exe files from java program

5. Core Java: Immutable objects and mutable objects with an example

Immutable objects and mutable objects with an example 

In object oriented programming language in short OOPS, every problem, precisely every requirement is viewed as an object. Understanding the problem in this point of view brings many good things possible in programming like encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance. Anyways this post is not intended for describing benefits of OOPS.

Core Java: Immutable objects and mutable objects with an example

6. CHEAT SHEET for java List interface, LinkedList and ArrayList

Consider Below points before choosing List concrete implementations for your use case: 

  •    ArrayList is a linear data structure and  re-sizable/dynamic array
  •    Initial size can be given. and if not given the default size is 10

CHEAT SHEET for java List interface, LinkedList and ArrayList

Happy Coding...!

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